Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dave Slabon - How to Run a Facebook Ad Effectively

How to Run a Facebook Ad Effectively: Five Simple Steps for Success

The importance of using Facebook and other social media outlets for business marketing is pretty universally accepted these days. 

Businesses understand that they must maintain a social media presence and add quality content to the conversation. 

However, there is another element to social media marketing that is underutilized due, in part, to a lacking knowledge base: Facebook ads. Yet, learning how to run a Facebook ad effectively is one of the most powerful steps of social media marketing today and one that can be accomplished in five easy steps.

Step 1: Goal Setting

The first and perhaps most important step in learning how to run a Facebook ad effectively is making sure to set goals for your ad campaign before starting. 

Without a clear directive for an ad campaign, whether it is web traffic, newsletter subscriptions, or sales, there will be no way to monitor effectiveness. 

Therefore, take time to decide what you need to accomplish through these ads and then find ways to track this accomplishment.

Step 2: Micro-Targeting

The beauty of Facebook as a near-universal social media outlet is that you can reach almost anyone through their micro-targeting ad tools. 

You need to use these tools to your advantage by understanding whom you are trying to reach in your target market and then reaching out to them. 

The good news is that information that users freely give on Facebook, such as hobbies, favorite books and movies, and “likes,” helps amass a huge database of information that allows for even more careful outreach to potential clients.

Step 3: Text and Image Choice

Even though Facebook ads are relatively easy to generate, they still need to be professional. 

Take time to consider images, font types, and the exact text that you plan to use to attract customers. 

Be concise, offer incentives for click through, and highlight that which sets you apart from competitors running similar ads.

Step 4: Managing Engagement

Once you launch your Facebook ad campaign, it will only be successful if it is promoted. 

Make sure that you encourage engagement with your brand and your site/page. 

This includes the aforementioned incentives for click through as well as more traditional outreach strategies such as polls and contests that will break through the chatter of social media and encourage engagement.

Step 5: Keep It New

Finally, learning how to run a Facebook ad effectively is not a one-off task. Rather, like all advertising efforts, Facebook ads need to remain new and updated. 

Constantly consider what goals you hope to achieve and monitor your ability to do so. 

If the campaign isn’t working, you need to change strategies. 

If it is working, you need to find ways to reignite interest in those you have already reached. 

Offer new incentives for additional engagement, ask fans to “share” posts, or just switch up images and copy in order to keep things fresh. 

Properly considered, these five steps will certainly help you run a Facebook ad effectively.

Talk soon,
David Slabon