Monday, April 29, 2013

Dave Slabon - How to Write a Headline

How to Write a Headline: 8 Different Strategies You Need to Employ

The headline of a webpage or article is your first, and often only, chance to attract a potential reader/customer. 

However, learning how to write a headline is really about identifying the specific type of headline that you need to write and then doing so accordingly. 

Therefore, it is important to take into account the 8 common types of headlines websites use and then learn how to write them.

1: Direct Headline

A direct headline gets right to the point or action at hand. There is no cleaver ploy or cover-up of what you want the reader to do or know. For example, a direct sales headline would read “Get 20% Your First Oil Change.”

2: Indirect Headline

This is in direct contrast to the direct headline. An indirect headline should intrigue the reader and make him want to know more by reading through your copy. 

Sometimes, indirect headlines will utilize a double meaning or cleaver pun that will intrigue the reader. 

For example, a marketing company may title a blog post, “Fresh Bait Is Always Best” and, while this seems to be about fishing, the article in fact discusses the finer points about writing content that is timely, a concept known as link bait.

3: News Headline

Another self-explanatory headline, the news headline is the best strategy to use in a press release or some other news-oriented medium. 

News includes everything from product introductions and updates to real life events advertised online. A write a headline as news by simply stating a fact: “New Bakery Site to Open Monday.”

4: How-to Headline

The how-to headline is a cornerstone of content creation. It draws readers in with the promise of real, useful information, just consider this post’s headline.

5: Question Headline

A question headline seems simple enough; but be careful. The Key to learning how to write a good question headline lies in asking something that the reader genuinely wants to know about. A good, if over-used, example is the online marketing pitch, “Who Wants to Get Rich Working from Home?”

6: Command Headline

A command headline is closely related to a direct headline in that it makes no excuses for itself and gives the reader a direct impression of the copy that follows. The only difference is the force with which this direction is delivered. 

A good command headline should begin with a powerful action word. A great example comes from an old Exxon campaign: “Put a Tiger in Your Tank.”

7: Reason Why Headline

This is another popular one. Learning how to write a headline which clearly explains what the copy will answer and how thorough that answer is, captures the attention of a reader who needs that info in an easy-to-read manner. Again, note the headline of this post.

8: Testimonial Headline

Last, but not least, learning how to write a headline must include a strategy that goes outside of your own experience and company. 

This strategy is known as the testimonial headline and it is very popular among news blogs. That’s because it intrigues the reader into wanting to know why someone else, especially someone they idolize, uses your product or service. 

An example, “‘This is my favorite site’ claims Bill Gates”

Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to SEO Website

Marketing How To: SEO Website Advice that Everyone Needs

The reality of marketing today is that majority of companies’ digital strategies center on one place:


The goal of most websites is to rank at number one on Google’s search results. Therefore, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the most important marketing how to: SEO. 

Website ranking on Google and other search engines is entirely dependent on the ways in which your site utilizes search engine optimization (or SEO) to its advantage. 

Here are four quick ways to make sure your site is doing just that.

Blogging, blogging, blogging

The addition of a blog that is regularly updated and properly utilizes keywords is the number one way to improve SEO, website rankings will then follow. 

The benefit of a blog has to do with the addition of new content to the site. 

This content should be unique (i.e. written for your site specifically and your site only) and provide visitors with relevant, helpful information in your niche. 

This is the “product” that search engines offer (information) so to stay in their graces you need to provide it.

Just to Be Clear: You Must Be Original

Once upon a time, when Google was new and fewer people used the internet on a daily basis copycat content was less of a problem. 

However, as literally every business has moved online and almost every person uses the computer daily, the need to original content is essential in determining your site’s ranking. 

This cannot be emphasized enough when it comes to SEO. Website success depends on the generation of useful content that cannot appear anywhere else on the web, nor anywhere else on your site.

Titles Should Be Keyword Rich

One of the cornerstones of SEO is keyword research. 

Businesses need to know which words and phrases their potential customers are using to search and then they need to integrate those words and phrases into their content—that is SEO. 

Website rankings further improve when those keywords are in the titles of pages and articles. 

This is because titles of pages and articles appear in the title bar of the page (URL address) and are therefore easier for search engines to recognize.

Link between Pages

Another important way to catch the attention of search engines is through the use of keyword links on your website, specifically footer links. 

List the other major pages of you site on the footer of each page and use keywords as your anchor text that identifies them. 

This has the dual advantage of making your site easier to navigate as well as inserting keywords into each page without the need to work them into longer copy.

Learning the ins and outs of digital marketing is an important way to increase your online presence and attract new customers, but there are a lot of concepts to cover in a marketing how to. 

SEO website advice, however, is among the most important points to cover when designing an online presence and an associated marketing plan. 

These four tips are just the beginning of a complex system that will help propel your website to the top of Google.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to SEO Videos

How to SEO Videos: A Quick Guide for Success

By now most major organizations with a strong online presence understand the need for and concept of search engine optimization or SEO. 

They get that optimizing their content using keywords that their customers use in search is the best way to increase their rankings on search engines and, therefore, reach a broader audience. 

But many fail to realize that they must also learn how to SEO videos.

In fact, as more and more marketing teams embrace the concept of video marketing through sites like YouTube (which is owned by Google, by the way), the concurrent need to optimize those videos through separate SEO techniques is becoming more and more apparent. 

Here are five quick and simple steps for learning how to SEO videos.

Step 1: Know Your Keywords

This is no difference than written, content-based SEO; the only way to reach an audience searching for certain words and phrases is through using those words and phrases. 

AND, the only way to know what those words and phrases are for your niche is through marketing analytics. Learn to love them; analytics not going anywhere anytime soon.

Step 2: Change the File Name of the Video

Remember, SEO is about more than just what is seen on the page by the viewer. 

Search engine algorithms look at the code used to generate the site, i.e. file names. Therefore, before uploading videos to any external service make sure to change the file name of the video to match the keywords chosen in step one. 

Bonus points if the file name starts with the keyword(s).

Step 3: Choose Where to Upload Video and Customize Accordingly

There are many hosting sites that allow users to upload video and though YouTube is the biggest name in the game, it is by no means the only one. 

Each site will have different pointers for learning to SEO videos on that site. 

Therefore, whether you use YouTube, YDraw, or Vimeo, take time to learn about the specifics of that site and how to SEO videos on it.

Step 4: Optimize the Basic Info

YouTube, as well as most other hosting sites, will ask for a brief description or for “basic information” about the video once it is uploaded. 

Here is your chance to utilize all the skills you would normally employ in content-based SEO to optimize the video’s description.

Step 5: Pay Attention to Advanced Settings

In addition to the basic information that a hosting site asks for, many sites will also offer advanced settings options that allows for increased SEO for your video. 

This includes features such as tags as well as comments which will allow for the additional organic addition of keywords into the video’s site.

Learning how to SEO videos is an important skill for any company who is looking to branch into video marketing. 

With many different hosting sites to choose from and many users searching for videos on a daily basis, learning the ins and outs of SEO in this new medium is essential for digital marketing success.

Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Get More Followers on Twitter

How to Get More Followers on Twitter: Four Simple Strategies You Can Use Today

For businesses and individuals trying to market themselves these days, Twitter following is ultra-important.

In fact, a recent study for Deloitte Consulting definitively found that Twitter use drives sales.

 However, this only happens if you or your business has followers on Twitter to drive those sales, which means knowing how to attract them in the first place.

Twitter is a very unique place, a “universe” (Twitterverse) all its own, with a language and culture separate from most other media in which you operate.

For this reason, using Twitter is as much about context as it is about strategy.

Here are four simple tips about using this social marketing tool that will help businesses and individuals learn how to get more followers on Twitter.

Step 1: Retweet

Embrace the art of retweeting (or RT) by posting relevant, timely articles or observations and then outright asking for the RT. It’s important to note, however, that not all of these posts should be self-promoting (i.e. your own blog) or else others will see it as a simple marketing ploy.

Step 2: #FollowFriday

Each and every Friday, the Twitterverse engages in #FollowFriday or #FF. This is an opportunity for people to promote their followers to one another by posting a group of 5-8 or so in a #FF-marked post. If you do this for your followers, they will do it for you, creating a domino effect that can rapidly increase your followers on Twitter inside of 24 hours.

Step 3: #TweepleTuesday

Similar to #FF, #TweepleTuesday is a weekly opportunity to promote your followers to one another. Each Tuesday, Twitter users post two of their followers who they feel need to connect with one another. This method is similar to in-person networking and can extend to business contacts as well as customers.

Step 4: How to Follow Other Businesses

If you are a business trying to get customers to follow you, it may seem redundant to follow other businesses.

However, consider Twitter following and conversations the same as you would any professional networking event.

While you do not want to follow your direct competitor, it is a great idea to connect with others within your niche(s) who offer complimentary products or services.

You can cross promote each other’s posts/tweets which will generally lead to more followers on Twitter for both of you.

Learning how to get more followers on Twitter is as much about learning the culture and lexicon of this social media tool as it is about using time-tested strategies.

The real key is seeing Twitter for what it is and using it as one tool among many in your digital marketing bag of tricks.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

How to Generate More Blog Traffic

25 Simple Tips! 

The value of blogging as a part of a business’s overall content marketing strategy cannot be emphasized enough.

 Apart from the role that unique, original blogging plays in elevating your search rankings (SEO), there is also the very real benefit of providing customers and potential customers will valuable information that will help them.

 But blogging is only valuable if there is blog traffic to read it.

It is therefore essential that you figure out how to generate more blog traffic. And, while there are many lengthy explanations about analytics and complex marketing schemes that could break this down for you, in reality there are simple steps and credos that, if followed, will make your blog irresistible to readers.

 Here are 25 simple tips to implement today to generate more blog traffic tomorrow: 

1. Use lists, the easier to read the better

2. Be timely and topical…get them when they want to read something

3. Be an expert, learn and help others do the same

 4. Be timeless…your posts should be as relevant a year from now as they are today

5. Keep it short and sweet

6. Encourage your readers to share your posts

7. Encourage RSS subscription

8. Do a blog series that makes them come back

9. Edit, and then edit again

10. Do not self-promote unless doing so is organic to your topic

11. Tag posts

12. Use links to sources and previous posts

13. Answer reader comments and email ASAP

14. Use newsgroups for cross promotion

15. Comment on other blogs with links back to yours

16. Optimize your posts for SEO, but not at the cost of readability

17. Use a Squidoo lens and generate a “community” of blogs like your own

18. Be the first to write about something in your field

19. Do interviews

20. Network with other bloggers in your field

21. Read other blogs for language and format, leave comments and trackbacks

22. Be polemic, take a stand on an issue that invites comment and participation

23. Install a translator plug-in to reach international audiences

24. Make your website more visually attractive and easy-to-navigate

25. Provide value to your readers

Blogging is a complex genre and one that is still developing, which is why it is so important for you to keep on top of what other bloggers are doing inside and outside of your particular niche.

Offering new advice, timely tips, and inviting participation is the best way to endear yourself to the followers you already have and one of the best ways to generate more blog traffic over the long run.

 Understand that blogging takes time to learn, but that the return on the investment will be well worth the effort.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to Build an Email List

How to Build an Email List Online and Off


The importance of learning how to build an email list in order to market your business cannot be emphasized enough. However, the process of doing so can seem daunting. How do you get customers to subscribe to your list? What if your business is primarily offline? There’s no need to fear! By using specific strategies for both online and offline email list generation everyone can build their email subscriptions without too much investment in terms of time or money. 

How to build an email list on your website

Your company’s website is your first and best asset in building an email list and it all starts with getting good email management software such as Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, or GetResponse. These programs will automatically generate HTML code for you to embed in your site that will lead users to a sign-up form for your newsletter, but that’s just the start. You must also consider how to get them to actually do this:

·         Placement: Where you put the signup form is important. It should be prominent. It should be on your main page as well as on several, if not all, auxiliary pages. It should also be at the top of the page, eliminating the need to scroll down to see it.

·         Incentive: Having a sign-up form is one thing, making people want to sign up with it is another. Therefore, give them something for taking the time out to give you information. This is content marketing at its finest. Provide a white paper, coupon, contest, or special promotion to newsletter subscribers.

How to build an email list offline

For businesses with brick-and-mortar operations, much of their client contact may come offline; but online presence is still important. In fact, face-to-face contact simply provides additional opportunities to gather email information. Here’s two great ideas:

·         Register at checkout: Many retailers ask customers to digitally or manually enter email information when they check out at their register. Like online registration, many customers will respond to these prompts in exchange for the promise of “valuable coupons” for their next visit.

·         Advertise your online presence: In addition to asking for customers’ online information, provide your own. In-person customers may not know of your website or newsletter, so make sure your web address is prominently displayed on all printed material.

Learning how to build an email list can seem tough at first. Companies that are new to online relationship management may be overwhelmed and startups may not know where to focus. The good news is that opportunities to gather email addresses present themselves all the time, both online and offline, and leveraging these opportunities is all one needs to do.