Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dave Slabon - Top Social Media Sites for Business

Seven Top Social Media Sites for Business

The hottest buzz word in marketing today is “social media.” 

The need for a solid social media strategy both on an individual and company-wide level is indisputable. 

However, which social media outlets to focus your energy on can be more difficult to determine. 

Here’s a list of seven top social media sites for business that will get you started on the right path.

1. LinkedIn: This social media site made for professionals is a networking supernova that connects individuals and companies throughout the world. Most powerful for B2B sales and personal networking, if you don’t have a LinkedIn profile you are already leagues behind everyone else.  

2. Twitter: The home of the 140-character status update has been proven to drive sales and increase brand awareness better than almost any other social media outlet out there. Twitter allows for a concentrated, restrained brand of content marketing with its signature hashtags (#) and has redefined SEO.

3   3. Facebook: Though not as individually powerful as LinkedIn and Twitter due to its oversaturation of users and identities, Facebook is nevertheless an essential social media marketing tool to have at your disposal. Make sure you also employ Facebook advertising tools as well.

       4. StumbleUpon: Used as a plugin, StumbleUpon allows users to rate the pages, videos, pictures, articles, and websites they encounter which will subsequently add to your business’s website promotion. With a 10 million-user base, this is a growing medium that can generate excellent leads.

    5. Instagram: Since launching through Apple-only applications in 2010 and subsequently branching out to all platforms upon its acquisition by Facebook in 2012, this photo sharing website has blown up social media. As a business, using visual marketing within Instagram along with the same hashtag system pioneered by Twitter will allow you to promote your image as well as increase SEO.

      6. Pinterest: Another closed website at first, the use of Pinterest “boards” and board topics to promote issues within your niche has become extremely powerful, especially within the blogosphere. This site uses the same visual branding-style promotion as Instagram with the additional bonus of direct links to the website where the image is found.

        7. Google+: When Google first launched its answer to Facebook in 2010 there was a lot of skepticism. And while G+ has still to gain the universal traction that Facebook enjoys its strong Google connections to applications like YouTube and Google Places makes it an essential element for search engine exposure and an important medium to develop as a business.

Learning how to identify and use these seven top social media sites for business is an essential element of digital marketing in the 21st century. 

As the outlet for creativity, content, and connection for this generation a lack of presence on any of these seven top social media sites can hurt you terribly in the end.

Talk soon, 
David slabon