Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How Do I Get More Clients?

Never Ask ‘How Do I Get More Clients’ Again with These Four Simple Steps

While the importance of marketing cannot be disputed, the sad fact of the matter is that the amount of money you spend is not directly correlated with the results you get. Many firms spend thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars on marketing initiatives only to end up asking the same question: “How do I get more clients?”

In fact, the most important step of the marketing process actually happens before launching a marketing campaign. Careful planning and consideration can make all the difference in the effectiveness of your efforts. So, if you want to avoid asking how to get more clients at the end of your marketing campaign, follow these four simple steps before it even starts.

Step 1: Discover Your Strengths

What makes you stand out among your competition? What about your product, service, or company makes you the best choice in your field? A company’s competitive advantage is what sets them apart. It can be something complex such as the specifications on a gadget or something seemingly simple such as their location in relationship to their target market’s home or workplace. Identifying these strengths is essential since they should be the crux of your marketing message and appeal to clients.

Step 2: Identify a Target Market

If you find yourself asking “How do I get more clients?” without a clear picture of who those “clients” are, then you are missing an important step in the marketing process. You need to take time to clearly identify the people and businesses who will most value the products and/or services you offer. And, while this answer may vary when you look at your offerings, taking time for this specific identification will allow you to focus your marketing efforts on those people who are most likely to become valuable customers.

Step 3: Craft a Meaningful Message

Once you know what you offer and who wants it, you need to package those two things together into one message that clearly communicates those facts. A meaningful message must be scripted in the language of potential customers and directly address what it is that you can give them that no one else can. It’s also okay to have more than one message that targets different markets and/or different products/services.

Step 4: Deliver Your Message Often

Finally, an effective message will only generate new clients if it is heard. Therefore, once your message is formed you must work to get it out to your target market as often as possible. This means consciously choosing a delivery method for your message that is affordable, aimed at your target market, and frequent. There are many ways to do this from signage and direct mailings to email marketing and social media. Try to mix up the media of your message as much as possible to keep it fresh.

The tendency for businesses to constantly ask the question “How can I get more clients?” is not likely to go away soon with competition in the 21st century as sharp as ever. However, through following these four simple steps with your marketing strategy you can be sure maximize your exposure to the right potential clients and spend your marketing budget wisely with excellent effects.