Thursday, April 25, 2013

How to Generate More Blog Traffic

25 Simple Tips! 

The value of blogging as a part of a business’s overall content marketing strategy cannot be emphasized enough.

 Apart from the role that unique, original blogging plays in elevating your search rankings (SEO), there is also the very real benefit of providing customers and potential customers will valuable information that will help them.

 But blogging is only valuable if there is blog traffic to read it.

It is therefore essential that you figure out how to generate more blog traffic. And, while there are many lengthy explanations about analytics and complex marketing schemes that could break this down for you, in reality there are simple steps and credos that, if followed, will make your blog irresistible to readers.

 Here are 25 simple tips to implement today to generate more blog traffic tomorrow: 

1. Use lists, the easier to read the better

2. Be timely and topical…get them when they want to read something

3. Be an expert, learn and help others do the same

 4. Be timeless…your posts should be as relevant a year from now as they are today

5. Keep it short and sweet

6. Encourage your readers to share your posts

7. Encourage RSS subscription

8. Do a blog series that makes them come back

9. Edit, and then edit again

10. Do not self-promote unless doing so is organic to your topic

11. Tag posts

12. Use links to sources and previous posts

13. Answer reader comments and email ASAP

14. Use newsgroups for cross promotion

15. Comment on other blogs with links back to yours

16. Optimize your posts for SEO, but not at the cost of readability

17. Use a Squidoo lens and generate a “community” of blogs like your own

18. Be the first to write about something in your field

19. Do interviews

20. Network with other bloggers in your field

21. Read other blogs for language and format, leave comments and trackbacks

22. Be polemic, take a stand on an issue that invites comment and participation

23. Install a translator plug-in to reach international audiences

24. Make your website more visually attractive and easy-to-navigate

25. Provide value to your readers

Blogging is a complex genre and one that is still developing, which is why it is so important for you to keep on top of what other bloggers are doing inside and outside of your particular niche.

Offering new advice, timely tips, and inviting participation is the best way to endear yourself to the followers you already have and one of the best ways to generate more blog traffic over the long run.

 Understand that blogging takes time to learn, but that the return on the investment will be well worth the effort.