Tuesday, April 2, 2013

3 Email Marketing Tips

3 Email Marketing Tips that Everyone Can Use...

With the over-abundance of junk mail we all get to our inboxes each day, it’s easy for companies to disregard the importance of email marketing in their overall marketing plan. But to do so is a mistake. Review the following 3 email marketing tips to help reinvigorate your marketing efforts.

Commit to email above social media.

The changing nature of online marketing, especially in the realm of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, has businesses thinking twice about the time and energy they should spend on their email marketing. The result is that many people approach email marketing with less reverence than it deserves and lose valuable customer engagement opportunities as a result. 

Studies consistently show that email marketing is the king of online marketing strategies despite the meteoric rise of Facebook in the past few years. In fact, the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project found in a 2011 study that over 60% of all adults check their email daily. This is up from less than 50% in 2002. The inclusion of email as a fact of our lives and staple in our culture makes a company who fails to harness this power start the race in last place. Email is a powerful way to engage new and old clients in a targeted way, on a regular basis.

Make sure to get permission and don’t abuse it once you have it.

Once you recognize the power of email as a marketing tool, it is still important to pay attention to the rules and etiquette of using it. The assumption that email is ‘overdone’ cannot be ignored. Therefore, companies need to make sure that they get permission from clients or potential clients before adding them to their email lists and then use common sense along with good analytics to make sure that they send their message at appropriate times without seeming ‘spammy.’

Target your offers.

One of the benefits of getting permission to add someone to an email marketing list is that in the process you can ask questions about that person that will help you to categorize him or her for future mailings. Former customers can be further categorized according to their buying patterns and preferences. Basic demographic information such as a client’s age and gender can help you to isolate offers that will appeal to them and those that will not, increasing their likelihood of viewing your company as one that is in touch with their needs.

Using these email marketing tips as a basis for your company’s email marketing plan is essential if you want your efforts to be successful. Email is an important part of our culture and business in the 21st century; this means that companies who accurately and responsibly use it will reap amazing benefits.