Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to SEO Videos

How to SEO Videos: A Quick Guide for Success

By now most major organizations with a strong online presence understand the need for and concept of search engine optimization or SEO. 

They get that optimizing their content using keywords that their customers use in search is the best way to increase their rankings on search engines and, therefore, reach a broader audience. 

But many fail to realize that they must also learn how to SEO videos.

In fact, as more and more marketing teams embrace the concept of video marketing through sites like YouTube (which is owned by Google, by the way), the concurrent need to optimize those videos through separate SEO techniques is becoming more and more apparent. 

Here are five quick and simple steps for learning how to SEO videos.

Step 1: Know Your Keywords

This is no difference than written, content-based SEO; the only way to reach an audience searching for certain words and phrases is through using those words and phrases. 

AND, the only way to know what those words and phrases are for your niche is through marketing analytics. Learn to love them; analytics not going anywhere anytime soon.

Step 2: Change the File Name of the Video

Remember, SEO is about more than just what is seen on the page by the viewer. 

Search engine algorithms look at the code used to generate the site, i.e. file names. Therefore, before uploading videos to any external service make sure to change the file name of the video to match the keywords chosen in step one. 

Bonus points if the file name starts with the keyword(s).

Step 3: Choose Where to Upload Video and Customize Accordingly

There are many hosting sites that allow users to upload video and though YouTube is the biggest name in the game, it is by no means the only one. 

Each site will have different pointers for learning to SEO videos on that site. 

Therefore, whether you use YouTube, YDraw, or Vimeo, take time to learn about the specifics of that site and how to SEO videos on it.

Step 4: Optimize the Basic Info

YouTube, as well as most other hosting sites, will ask for a brief description or for “basic information” about the video once it is uploaded. 

Here is your chance to utilize all the skills you would normally employ in content-based SEO to optimize the video’s description.

Step 5: Pay Attention to Advanced Settings

In addition to the basic information that a hosting site asks for, many sites will also offer advanced settings options that allows for increased SEO for your video. 

This includes features such as tags as well as comments which will allow for the additional organic addition of keywords into the video’s site.

Learning how to SEO videos is an important skill for any company who is looking to branch into video marketing. 

With many different hosting sites to choose from and many users searching for videos on a daily basis, learning the ins and outs of SEO in this new medium is essential for digital marketing success.